Arnab Goswami: Arnab Goswami confronts Ashok Kheny On Youtube

Times Now Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami, on Monday, confronted Karnataka MLA Ashok Kheny for abusing a female reporter of the channel.

Arnab called Kheny up and asked him to apologise to the journalist in written. The MLA said he is ready to apologise but the reporter has to apologise to him first.

The issue began after the Karnataka MLA, tried to avoid the Times Now Mumbai bureau-chief Megha Prasad when she asked him to respond repeatedly - over the RS seats corruption issue. The MLA had lost his cool and said, "Arrest karo saali ko."
Ashok Kheny
Karnataka MLA

The entire shameful act as caught on a Times Now camera which the channel later on released on social media and the channel saying, "Times Now has deliberately not beeped out the abuse because we wanted to expose the filthy language used by this MLA. Times Now has asked him to apologize to our journalist."

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