BlackBerry is no more; You can't buy a BlackBerry Mobile.

After 3 decades (32 Years) of mobile manufacturing , Black Berry is finally going to close it's mobile manufacturing. Black berry CEO John Cena said " The company plans to end all internal hardware development and will outsource that function to partners"in his statement. Black Berry has made a lot of revolution in mobile market. It has given so many new technology & services, Which made the mobile market more competitive & flexible for consumers. BlackBerry Messenger , Track Ball , Qwerty Keypad are the best among them. Black Berry could not adopt the ios or Android platform for their mobile development. If it do so, it couldn't get such market like it's own OS. So it's business went down like NOKIA the mobile giant. Black Berry officials cleared that it will end its hardware production by this September. A huge loss about $8 million in last quarter made the company to close it's manufacturing. But it will not fu...