
Showing posts with the label US Congress

Was Narendra Modi’s speech at US Congress composed by himself or by IAS Officers?

Every great speech involves two things: Quality of the scripts. How Speaker is presenting himself/herself with that script. Let’s come on a basic thing: Absolutely Speeches are composed by IAS Officers & Research team, Because it is the thing of Country, PM is representing whole country not any specific things or party. Research team compose speeches after research from every prospect and grounds so that can be beneficial for the Nation and we will not get any harmful effect of any misleading. Now, After the composing of the speeches. It depends upon the PM, How he/she deliver the speech and attract the audience. We know how effective #Modi delivered his speech in US. Do you think if same speech were delivered by former indian PM Manmohan Singh instead of Modi, will effective or not?? I think not, we hear Manmohan Singh for past 10 Years but he has no any such great speech. I know he is mastermind of Economics and I respect him whatever he did for India. :) ...