10 Unknown Facts About City Bhubaneswar!!

Bhubaneswar, the capital of Odisha is a very populated & also a very energetic city of Eastern.

Here is some unknown facts about Bhubaneswar.

1) One of the most cleanest & Greenest city in India.

2) Famously known as " City of Temples.

3) " Bhaina" is a similar word used here like " Bhaisaheb " in northern India.

4) Lots of Foodies can be found here.

5) " Khhatti " is a traditional way of gatherings at Chai Stalls & open fields where the strength can range from 2 - 20 people, comprising mainly students, press wala's , political leaders etc.

6) People out here are obsessed with land & gold more than any other Cities.

7) People will not trust you to fullest even if you are very well known to them.

8) You can easily make a road show or a campaign successful as the curiosity level of people here are quite high.

9) The "market building" shopping complex is one of the largest crowded area of Bhubaneswar where near about 5-14 K people visit on regular basis and on weekends this figure may rise 5-7 times more than normal.

10) Humidity & hot sun will kill you like hell in Bhubaneswar

If you have more suggestions please comment.


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