
Showing posts with the label Air conditioner

What is it that we as Indians are collectively doing wrong with their AC ?

This is what we all are doing  wrong . Majority of the people think that setting the temperature at  16 degrees  will make the room cool down quickly, but it does not work like that. You see, the compressor will work exactly the same amount whether the temperature is set up at 23 or 16 degrees. The purpose of setting temperature on the A.C is that, when the room temperature will reach the level of temperature set up by you on the thermostat then the  compressor will   turn off without turning off the A.C fan . Then again when the temperature will rise above your desired temperature the compressor will turn on.  This saves a lot of Energy, as well as your electricity bill. The temperature at which the human body is most comfortable is  23.5 degrees centigrade , so the A.C thermostat should be fixed either at  24 or 23 degrees . This will not only prevent your room from getting too cold but will also  save a lot of energy . ...