11 Signs of a Real Man, Help for Girls.
A real man can be hard to find. You can't know if a man is a real man just by looking at him - you have to spend time observing him in his natural habitat (any public space) and periodically test him. If he does any of the things on his list, congrats! You have found yourself a real man. Get you a man who can pick up tampons and make you have three orgasms in one day. Get you a real man. 1. He offers to go buy tampons when you run out. Boldly carrying a box of tamps to the cashier doesn't emasculate this fair gent, no, ma'am! 2. He makes eye contact with kids and is sometimes even kind to them. A good test to know if you're with a Real Solid Dude: Take him out to a restaurant at 5 p.m., when there are sure to be families with little kids, and watch how he interacts with the toddler seated at the table next to you. If he runs and screams, he's not a real man! If he smiles at the kid, he checks out. 3. He treats your orgasm like it's important, and n...