How to Impress Your Interviewer in just 10 Minutes

The first few minutes of an interview are crucial and can be a make-or-break factor. First impressions are really important and will last long after you leave the room. Learning how to make a memorable impact in a few minutes is a powerful tool that applies to all interviews. There may be a time in your job-hunting adventures when you come across a speed interview - the interview version of speed dating - in which you have a limited time span to convince an interviewer to hire you. Or perhaps you'll bump into a manager hiring for a position at a networking event and need to sell yourself in a quick conversation. Here are some tips for a lasting impression. 1. Pick one good story that wows If you only have a few minutes to make an impact, prepare one really memorable story that displays the qualities the hiring manager is looking for. It should be something that showcases an instance when you went above and beyond and an example that is truly unique. It could be a women...