Yoga for Gastritis Treatment, Causes !
A very powerful pose at the beginning of the asana practice, which helps entire digestive system and makes asana practice more easy. Pawanmuktasana – Gas Release Posture Pawan - Air, Gas Mukta - Free, release Asana – Pose Taking the asana position: Exhale and while inhaling slowly raise the legs to a 90 degree angle from the floor. Bend both legs at the knees and rest the thighs against the abdomen, keeping the knees and ankles together. Encircle the knees with both arms, hands clasping opposite elbows. Bend the neck and place the chin on the knees. Continue to maintain the asana, breathing normally. The asana position: In this position the thighs are pressed against the abdomen and the wrists or elbows are clasped. The neck is bent towards the knees and if possible the forehead or chin is touching the knees. The breath is relaxed. Releasing the asana position: Straighten the neck and lower the head back on to the ground. Release the arms and place ...