The Most Peaceful & Dangerous Country in the World!

Ice and the most peaceful country & Syria the most dangerous country

There is several countries which are free to live like India, America etc. But these countries are not peaceful. For official peaceful country declaration there is a authority in United Nations called GPI(Global Peace Index). According to the parameters of GPI the peacefulness of any country is decided. The parameter includes Terrorist activity, Political instability, Criminality in the society & Level of violent scale etc.

Currently according to GPI most peaceful countries are Iceland, Denmark, Austria, New Zealand & Portugal, And most dangerous countries are Syria, South Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq & Pakistan.
In which India is at the lower middle having rank 141 out of 163 total countries.

Iceland- The Most Peaceful Country 

A representing map of ICE land the most peaceful country
According to GPI(UN) Iceland is the most peaceful country. It have no. 1 rank in GPI most peaceful country. So generally people shouldn't think about going on vacation to this country, generally people of Europe & USA doesn't hesitate to travel this country.
It has score of GPI the lowest in the world is 1.192. So have a visit to Iceland & make your heart full of happiness.

Syria- The Most Dangerous Country

syria the most dangerous country in the world

According to GPI Syria is the most dangerous country in the world. The terrorism & political instability made Syria to this level. Also there is so many factors, which made Syria the dangerous country in the world. It has scored 3.806 the highest peace score in the world. So visiting this place is not a good idea. But so many people visit it for punishing themselves & also for finishing their frustration by killing or making crime. I will award Syria the crime free country.

There is 23 factors, which decides a country's score of peace. So don't upset for your country's rank. Although maximum countries have very peace atmosphere, but the factors deciding GPI score is may also for the political stability of the country.

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