A big Shock: Angelina Jolie files for divorce from Brad Pitt, Here is the reason;

Divorce between angelina jolie & brad pit

A couple started dating on 2004 & married in 2014 after a long 10 years of dating. Also on the way of divorce in 2016. Isn't that strange. But it is true as the couple is Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt.

Angelina Jolie have filed for divorce from Brad Pitt on Monday(19th Sep) at the Coourt of Los Angeles. 
But the reason behind this divorce will shock you that she is giving divorce to Brad for the way of parenting the kids. 

According to her She apparently doesn't want spousal support but has asked for physical custody of all the children, with Brad getting visitation privileges. 

Image result for angelina jolie's six children
Angelina & Brad with their six children

Here is her divorce filed documents. See here 

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