Freedom of Speech, Real facts about it.

Real meaning of freedom of speech

Is Freedom of Speech is appropriate all the time ?

I asked this question at first, because people are thinking now a days that freedom of speech or free speech means saying anything without thinking or without analyzing anything. But here I would like to say my personal opinion about freedom of Speech.

What is Freedom of Speech?
- Freedom of speech is allowed as per Indian Constitution, I don't know about the law, but as per information it is true. Which means except the National Security anyone can say about anything. But here is a fact that your speech shouldn't harm anyone. For an example if you are walking on a road, you can walk & move your body parts as you wish, that is your right. But no one should be harmed with it.

Like that when you are saying anything, which is under freedom of speech. You can say anything till any other person feels offensive with it.
There is also another fact linked with it, that is Take Offence. That is accepting offense  if anyone says to offence you.

For an example Tanmay Bhat had made a mocking video in Snapchat about Lata Mangeskar & Sachin Tendulkar. You all should have known about it. So not discussing about it more. Just giving you some facts here related to freedom of speech. That Freedom of Speech & Take offence both are related here.

Tanmay had made this video in Freedom of speech. That time people said that you can't make fun or mock Bharat Ratna. But I am not agree with that. Because you can say funny or mock anyone, but there should be a way of respective field. That he could have mock him about her career, that he could have said You are singing more than 40 years, now stop & give chance for new comers,

Same thing also applicable for Sachin Tendulkar, That he could have said about his cricket career.
If you are at the side of not mocking Bharat Ratna's, then I have to also say that you can't mock anyone that is also includes Politicians like Rahul Gandhi.

Thanks for reading this, hope you have got the idea about Freedom of Speech.
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