What are some basic science things everyone should know?

1.Muscles can only pull and never push.
That is the contraction( pulling) of muscles is active while relaxation (pushing) is passive.
We see many people show of their biceps to prove their strength.
Biceps can only flex the elbow joint. Equally strong triceps is needed for balanced elbow function. Triceps is used for extending the elbow joint. In fact triceps are more used than biceps.
So when you exercise, make sure to train booth the muscles about a joint equally. Another example is quadriceps and hamstring the front and back of thighs.
2. It is a myth that Food items fried in oil are unhealthy.
When the base (dough) contains optimal amount of water and if fried in oil at optimal temperature , for optimal period of time, is healthy and hygienic and safe for our diet.
To learn more follow the link
3. Positions to consider while sleeping.
Lying on our back with a pillow under the knee. This reduces, strain on spine. However people with asthma can skip this position as it may cause breathing difficulty at night.
Sleeping on our stomach. It is bad as the neck won't be straight causing stiffness in the morning and the spine doesn't get enough support. To make it less strainful keep a pillow like this,
Sleeping on our stomach. It is bad as the neck won't be straight causing stiffness in the morning and the spine doesn't get enough support. To make it less strain full keep a pillow like this, 
4. Natural doesn't equal healthy.
Many day the natural way is the healthiest way. This is not absolutely true. Potassium cyanide is natural but don't think of consuming it!
5. Life on earth will never get wiped off.
Even if the present forms of organisms get extinct due to changing earth, new forms are produced. For example, first organisms on earth breathed in methane as that was available plenty in atmosphere. It won't be a wonder if the future life forms breathed in CFC! Everything will get adapted.
6. Endorphin cause attraction
When you “fall in love” with somebody, your brain is basically on a chemical high. This effect wears off after about two years.
The next was tough to believe,
7. Your cellphone won't kill you
Yes, it does emit radiation, but so do you. In fact, you emit more radiation than your cell phone.
8. memory
Our memories are hopelessly inaccurate. In fact, in light of recent findings, there are movements aimed at reducing the court system’s reliance on eyewitness testimony. The fact is, you are not really remembering the event at all…you’re only remembering the last time you remembered it. And every time your brain imagines something, it either adds to it, or takes away.
9. Reflexes
They don’t use any brain activity. Even brain dead people have them. This is because they originate in nerve centers found in the spine.
They don’t use any brain activity. Even brain dead people have them. This is because they originate in nerve centers found in the spine.
10. Alcohol
It doesn’t make you warmer. It only causes more blood flow to be directed towards your skin (which makes you feel warmer) while in reality it cools down your internal temperature. Don’t be fooled by this one. People have lost their lives, or at least their frostbitten appendages.
11. Quantum Mechanics
There are some pretty weird things that happen at a quantum level. In fact, the regular laws of physics break down and get a little blurry.
12. There is no "official highest authority" in science
There is no group of people sitting around dictating the laws and theories of science. This may sound elementary to some, but to others, this is is critical to understand. Anybody can go out and try to disprove scientific theories. In fact, that is what scientists do every single day. They try their best to disprove their theories to see if there exists a better one.
13. Chemicals
Everything is chemicals, which consist of elements, which consist of atoms. And 99.99% of atoms is just empty space. In fact, the only reason your hand doesn’t go right through the table is because of these “empty” atoms repelling each other by way of various forces. And the reason you can’t see through the table is because those atoms reflect photons.
14. Analog vs Digital
Digital information is binary. It’s 1s and 0s. The real world is analog. It’s all light waves, sound waves, etc. Converting analog information to digital involves some loss of information but it is worth it because digital data is easier to store.
15. Science changes.
Not everything you grew up thinking as “true” will be true when you die. This is a good thing. It means that we are discovering more about the universe (and about everything else for that matter)
Source: reddit


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