Some Hidden facts of Flipkart Start Up.

Who are the good programmers who got rejected from Google, Facebook or Amazon

A Student from prestigious IIT Delhi wanted to work for Google. 
Being an IITian, he had an edge to make it there. However, things did not want to set soon and he was rejected. 
As we know F.A.I.L = First Attempt In Learning 
He prepared harder, a little more wiser and made another attempt for Google. 
The Result was again REJECTED. He was devastated this time. 

He had to finally settle with Sarnoff Corporation  for 1.5 years where he developed a system to give an audio beep warning on lane changing without any signal. 

At last, He made it to Amazon in year 2007 where he met another friend who was his classmate in IITD 

They had an idea and sum of Rs. 4 Lakhs to invest in their start up. The start up grew by leaps and bounds soon to be known as E -Commerce giant   

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