Here is a Simple Conversion as the Example For Peace Between Ind & Pak;

India & Pakistan , hate is not the Answer
From 6 decades the relation between India & Pakistan is severely antagonistic. But what about the people of these two countries. Peoples are also very much influenced by this. They also never stops to blame each other's countries. Even that is Cricket, Politics or Technology. Recently we have seen that how people of both countries have tried to troll each other using social media for "What Google search says about each others country? ''. But is it right to blame each other. As many people are ignore about what is the matter. People tries to troll, blame each other, even politicians also. May be there is a infliction between these two countries. But is it fare to the whole countries people for the terrorized action of few. Here is a conversation between two people of India & Pakistan will change your point of view;

A person from India have sent a email to Pakistan man Syed Muzamil Hasan with full of slang & exploitative word; This is the content of the email:
India mans slangful email for Pakistanj people

 Anyone could have reacted very badly with this type of email & replied in a same way.But the Pakistan Guy's reply changed the stereo type feeling between both of them;
His reply was:
Pakistan Guy's cool email for Indian guy; For friendship

This is the change took place & the Indian guy's heart melted with this. Here is what the Indian guy sent in his reply:
Indian guys very interesting email for pakistan

Can you imagine if the Pakistan guy have sent in a same way reply. It would might be the war among them in email. This may tend to a bad relationship. But his friendship hand made the better bonding between them;

So this is a war against Terrorism, not people against people. So let's end the stereo type thinking. This will make the world into a peace place.

What is your opinion?, Will you give your hand for it. Comments please'.


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